Education :
Education means inculcating moral values, positive thinking, attitude of helping, attitude of giving to society and ethical values these kind of students are only able to bring changes in society.
Education is not simply studying and getting promoted , education is what you actually know about some one , something , and how you behave and it shows you character.
EDUCATION helps people become better citizens, get a better-paid job, shows the difference between good and bad. Education shows us the importance of hard work and, at the same time, helps us grow and develop. Thus, we are able to shape a better society to live in by knowing and respecting rights, laws, and regulations.
Education importance :-
- It helps people become better citizens
- Get a better-paid job
- Shows the difference between good and bad.
- Shows the difference between good and bad.
- Helps us grow and develop.
- we are able to shape a better society to live in by knowing and respecting rights, laws, and regulations
- Education helps us to understand the our self in a better manner and it teach us to become a successful person in life.
It increase our knowledge about various things and we can easily understand any thing with the help of education.
- Education is something important and essential in nowadays without education there is hard to survey.
- Education is a powerful force for promoting opportunity and growth. ... More education increases your chance of being married and of raising a child outside of poverty. More education can even be the key to a longer, healthier life.
- A good education makes an individual develop personally, socially as well as economically. Education helps us to do our daily life activities in the best possible ways. Education makes us dutiful. Education helps us to acquire new skills and knowledge that will impact our development in life.
- Higher levels of education are associated with a wide range of positive outcomes - including better health and wellbeing, higher social trust, greater political interest, lower political cynicism, and less hostile attitudes towards immigrants.
" Main purpose of education is to educate individuals within society, to prepare and qualify them for work in economy as well as to integrate people into society and teach them values and morals of society. Role of education is means of socializing individuals and to keep society smoothing and remain stable. "
WITH the help os education there is an increase in the technology.
Educational technology is a field of study that investigates the process of analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating the instructional environment and learning materials in order to improve teaching and learning.
The essential objective of Educational Technology is to improve the quality of education and enhance the learning process. Most importantly, technology should magnify the teaching and learning process as well as facilitate better performance of educational systems as it emphasises upon effectiveness and efficiency.
" Uno Cygnaeus, the Father of Technology Education., 1999. "
" Thus these the some basic knowledge about essentials of education and the purpose of education "
thank you.....!
I Understood the content bro, great work ! plz keep updating 😊