There are several ways to earn money through online as well as offline. Nowadays people will work most in online ( part time / full time jobs ). Ex typing jobs, data entry jobs, blogging, creating YouTube channels and also by uploading videos on tik tok etc.
Top 3 most successful platform where we can earn money
1. you tube
2. blogging
3. Social Media
Nowadays its easy to create a you tube channel and can easily earn money but there are several terms and conditions to earn from you tube. You tube is a video sharing and a type of social media platform owned by Google and it is the second most visited website with more than one billion monthly users.
You tube was found by Jawed Karim, Chad Hurley, Steve Chen. in the Year 2005.
sign in to the you tube account.
click the icon for your account in top right corner.
click you tube studio.
or click on your channel.
Then monetize your channel.
Provide a name to your channel.
Provide description about your channel, what you are going upload in your channel.
Then provide good and better content to your channel.
To start earning money on You Tube you need to have at least 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours in the past year. Once you reach that threshold, you can apply for you tubes partner program, which allows creators to start monetizing their channels through adds, subscriptions and channel membership.
On average you can earn about $1 for every 1000 views.
2. Blogger
Blogger is a platform where a writer or a group of writers share their thoughts, views on an individual subject. in Blogger there are more no of people shares their thought and also provide day to day information about various topics like politics, science and technology, economics etc.
A personal blogger keeps a website which may include photographs, links, products information and links to other sites.
To earn in Blogging you must have a unique content, you can apply for networks like Google Adsense, Infolinks. with these ads, bloggers are paid for the number of impression a site gets.
1. first and foremost thing is to choose a unique name for your blog.
2. Get your blog hosting.
3. choose a unique theme and buy premium themes.
4. write compelling / unique content to create a blog that your readers love.
5. provide labels on your blog.
6. Also provide search description, so that people can easily find your blog.
7. promote your blog to get more no of traffic.
Every time a visitor clicks on an ad, the blogger earn a small commission. with these ads, blogger are paid for the no of impression a site gets. if an ad gets 1000 impressions, it earn a set of amount.
3. Social Media
Social Medias are the most interactive technology that allows the creation sharing / exchange the information, ides, career knowledge, basic knowledge and interest etc.
people can also make money from social media by using different platform
Face Book
There are several ways inn face book where people can share their posts and also promote the products
and get paid. Social Media is an excellent platform for the people to earn money in more no of choice.
Social media allows people to keep in touch with one and another also some people use social media applications to find career opportunities, and also for selling their products.
One way your small business can earn money from social media is by promoting the products or services of other businesses, this is known as sponsored posting and its a direct way to make money on social media.
Social media companies like Face book and Twitter make money is through selling advertising.