People always seek for a career not just a job. So everyone must get the opportunity to rise to the top, means increasing skills and knowledge.
Training is a process of increasing knowledge and skills of an employee.
Development is a process of learning and growth. In simple development means increasing in overall competency of employee. Development is a career orientation and long term process.
- Training is a systematic learning better than trial and error method which leads to wastage of effort and money.
- It includes both quantity and quality of employee production leading to higher profit.
- Training creates future managers.
- Training increases employee morale and reduces absenteeism and employee turnover.
- It helps in obtaining effective response to fast changing environment, technology and economic environment.
- It increasing skills and knowledge which leads to better career of the individual.
- It increases performance of individual which helps in to earn more.
- It makes employees more efficient to handle machines.
- It increases satisfaction and morale of employees.
- On the job training
- Off the job training
On the job training – these are the method applied to the work place while the employee is actually working.
Apprenticeship training – here the trainees are put under the guidance of skill or experienced superior. It is a formal method of training which is combination of classroom, education with training program. It is also called as understudy.
Coaching – in this method trainees are placed under immediate superior who function as coach. He takes the full responsibility for trainees coaching.
Internship training – educational institution and business firms jointly provide internship training. Selected candidates carry on regular studies for the particular period. They also work in some office and factories to gain practical knowledge and skill.
Job rotation – in this method specialist are shifted from one department to another on a plan bases to learn and developed all round knowledge. This helps him to know whole function of the organization.
Off the job training – these are the methods used away from work place.
Class room lectures / conference – under this method special course and lectures are arranged for training and development of their employee and to convey specific information, rules, procedures or methods.
Film – they can provide information and demonstrate skills that are not easily represented by others techniques this is a very effected method certain cases.
Case study – here, the trainees are given facts and figures of real or actual situation of the past. They are ask to determine problem, analyses causes, developed alternative solutions and select the best solutions and implement it. The aim at increasing interest and developing decision making ability among employees.
Computer modeling – computer simulation modeling is a modern technic of representing the real world situation by computer programs and software’s. it allows the trainees to learn how to work without causing any damages to original machines and equipment’s.
Vestibule training – training is given on how to use the equipment for this a duplicate work place just like actual work environment will created. Employees use same materials files and equipment’s.
Programed instruction – it involves a pre-arrange and propose acquisition of some specific skills or general knowledge. Information is broken into units and these units are arranged in logical and sequential learning package that is simple to complex. The training goes through these units by answering question or by filling the blanks.
It is a process of increasing skills and knowledge of an employee.
It is a job orientation.
Short term process for a fixed duration.
Training enables the employee to perform job better.
It focuses technical skills.
It has narrow scope.
It also focuses on to improve work efficiency.
click on here to know about the job skills
Good knowledge.....👍